improving education for all children

“We all want what’s best for our children’s future; however, as a society, we need to want what’s best for all children’s futures. I’ve spoken with teachers and they agree, no matter the zip code, every child deserves to get a good education.”

Children are our future

This is America. All of our children should receive the best education possible to make our country the strongest world leader.

I will work as a partner with the school system to increase funding for public schools, hold charters accountable, stand up for the civil rights of educators and students, and enact policies that respect the professionalism of teachers and education support professionals. I will always be accessible to you as well. In addition, I have ideas I would like to see implemented to further enrich the lives of students.

I strongly believe children are our future. They say, ‘Through the mouths of babes’ for a reason. Children are born pure, loving, and vulnerable. We are the ones who mold their thinking and are instrumental in the development of their character, so it is up to us to ensure they are well educated and equipped with a good education and the life skills needed to succeed.

In a perfect world parents would teach their children to be good, fair, and of high moral character. They would also teach their children healthy communication skills, emotional intelligence, and financial literacy. They would equip children with the skills to reject negative projection, not seek negative attention, nor put themselves in compromising situations that could be dangerous. In a perfect world parents would express healthy love instilling self-confidence in their children, so they don’t look for love and attention in all the wrong places and become susceptible to predators.

Most issues boil down to the lack of basic life skills I mentioned. Violence is a result of mental imbalance or lack of emotional intelligence coping skills; obviously, happy healthy people don’t feel the need to hurt or kill others. With that said, we must drill down deeper. What causes that mental imbalance? Yes, some people suffer severe mental illness and are on medication that can exacerbate their chemical imbalance which can cause them to execute acts of violence, but that’s not true for everyone. Some people are raised in violent homes, so it’s just their way of life. They don’t know how to get their needs met without violence. Some people become mentally imbalanced because of financial hardship. Enriching our children with the basic life skills they need to succeed in life is the first step to truly creating a more perfect America.

Just imagine that world, a world full of more people living lives with more peace, love, happiness, and success. Wouldn’t that be nice? However, we all know we don’t live in a perfect world and parents can’t teach what they don’t know or struggle with themselves. But, what if we could live in a more perfect world? What if there were small changes, we could make to uplift communities and expand our educational system? Well, I have a plan for that, my Education Expansion Plan.

Every schoolkid in America should receive an excellent education no matter what zip code they live in.

Furthermore, every child should learn basic life skills from pre-k -12th grade.

We should teach:

1. Mental Fitness – Everyone should have the skills to master their mental game. They should possess the mental skills to able to push through negative thinking and bounce back after disappointments or perceived failures. Everyone needs a healthy self-esteem to reach their full potential as a human.

2. Emotional Fitness – Everyone needs to know how to process their emotions, so they can deal with stress, anger, heartbreak, negative projection, etc. Children need to learn a healthy sense of self, self-love, and self respect, so they don’t develop co-dependent relationships with others which could land them in abusive relationships or other dangers. Empowering America’s children with Emotional Fitness will help reduce bullying, low self-esteem, child suicide, and school shootings.

3. Financial Literacy – If we want to lower the national debt, everyone needs to know how to balance a checkbook, budget, pay bills, live within their means, and make healthy invests in their future.

4. Healthy Communication Skills – Everyone needs to know how to communicate in a healthy manner. Everyone needs to know how to resolve conflict respectfully vs making personal attacks. Active listening, we all need to listen more and seek to understand one another.​

5. Organization and Time Management Skills – Everyone needs to know how to organize their life, personal and professional spaces, tasks, and time. Employers want employees to show up on time and creditors want their bills paid on time.

We can transform America by incorporating these 5 basic life skills into our education curriculum.